@article{Lio2004, author = {Lio, D. and Candore, G. and Crivello, A. and Scola, L. and Colonna-Romano, G. and Cavallone, L. and Hoffman, E. and Caruso, M. and Licastro, F. and Caldarera, C.M. and Branzi, A. and Franceschi, C. and Caruso, C.}, title= {Opposite effects of interleukin 10 common gene polymorphisms in cardiovascular diseases and in successful ageing: genetic background of male centenarians in protective against coronary heart disease}, year = {2004}, doi = {10.1136/jmg.2004.019885}, journal = {Journal of Medical Genetics}, volume = {41}, number = {10}, pages = {290--794}, }