@article{Olshansky2005, author = {Olshansky, S.J. and Passaro, D.J. and Hershow, R.C. and Layden, J. and Carnes, B.A. and Brody, J. and Hayflick, L. and Butler, R.N. and Allison, D.B. and Ludwig, D.S.}, title= {A Potential Decline in Life Expectancy in the United States in the 21st Century}, year = {2005}, doi = {10.1097/01.ogx.0000167407.83915.e7}, URL = {http://journals.lww.com/obgynsurvey/Fulltext/2005/07000/A_Potential_Decline_in_Life_Expectancy_in_the.26.aspx}, journal = {Obstetrical & Gynecological Survey}, volume = {60}, number = {7}, pages = {450--452}, }