Unless otherwise stated in the paper, all analyses are based on the Belgian 1981 Census (see Willaert & Deboosere 2008 for the codebook). I am not allowed to make the individual level, raw data public. Therefore, I provide aggregated data extracted directly from the Census microdata files. Apart from this readme.txt file, the .zip contains the following files: - Three Excel files containing the data extracted from the 1981 Belgian Census needed to construct Figures 1 to 3. - VanBavel-DemRes2014.RData is an R workspace file; the objects contained in this workspace are explained in the following R code file; - VBDemRes01.R is the R code file that produces all the analyses reported in Figures 4 to 14 Reference: Willaert, Didier and Patrick Deboosere. 2008. Codeboek Volkstelling 1/3/1981. Brussel: VUB Interface Demography. (Interface Demography Working Paper 2008-4) Can be downloaded here: http://www.vub.ac.be/SOCO/demo/publ_sd.htm