****************** Wood & Neels ****************** Demographic Research ****************** ****************** THE EDUCATIONAL GRADIENT OF CHILDLESSNESS AND COHORT PARITY PROGRESSION IN EUROPE AND AUSTRALIA ****************** ****************** ****************** ****************** ****************** ****************** ****************** * The .zip file "demographic-research.31-46" includes: 1. .dta data files for 13 (out of 14) countries used in the article "Wood J., Neels K. The educational gradient of childlessness and cohort parity progression in Europe and Australia, Demographic Research. Variables: recby Year of birth respondent arid person identificator exposure years of exposure event event (indicated by value 1) age_tv age (time-varying) first indicates whether or not the person is at risk of having a first birth second indicates whether or not the person is at risk of having a second birth third indicates whether or not the person is at risk of having a third birth exposure_square years of exposure (quadratic) low low level of education medium medium level of education high high level of education cohort1 born 1940-1944 cohort2 born 1945-1949 cohort3 born 1950-1955 cohort4 born 1956-1961 *Other variables included in the data are multiplications/interactions between variables explained above. 2. Annotated code which allows the reader to calculate descriptive statistics (Table 1, Table A.1) and estimate models displayed in table 2. * In order to be able to replicate Figures 1-3, Table 3, and Tables A.2-A.4 the reader needs to use the estimated hazards to calculate Cohort Parity Progression Ratios (see Hinde, 1998) Hinde, A. (1998). Demographic Methods, Arnold.