The supplemental .zip archive for this publication contains a single file: 1. Stata program file to produce the analytical sample from various MxFLS data sets and to produce the results presented in Hamilton (2015) The data necessary to run this program are available online at Registration is required for accessing the data. Users should follow these steps to download the data and execute the do file: 1. Download all databases from MxFLS-1, which will open as a directory titled hh02dta_all. The directory contains 11 folders each with multiple stata data sets. Save hh02dta_all, retaining the original file structure. 2. Download the single data file for "Immigrants in the US" from MxFLS-2, which will open as a directory titled "migus" containing a single data file titled "migus.dta". Save migus.dta within hh02dta_all. 3. In the first line of the program, following the command "cd," enter the pathname where hh02dta_all is saved. 4. Execute the do file.