DATA FILES - Partnertrajects.csv: data for sequence analysis partner trajectories, to import in (Tramine)R. - Parenthoodtrajects.csv: data for sequence analysis parenthood trajectories, to import in (Tramine)R. - SAS-datafile with final cluster solution partner trajectories and sex, age at separation and educational level - SAS-datafile with final cluster solution parenthood trajectories and sex, age at separation and educational level SYNTAX - Syntax final cluster solution partner trajectories.R: syntax to obtain 8-cluster typology of partner trajectories + generating output for final cluster solution* - Syntax final cluster solution parenthood trajectories.R: syntax to obtain 8-cluster typology of parenthood trajectories + generating output for final cluster solution* - descriptives cluster solutions by sex, age at separation and educational level *Note. To plot the sequence tree using the command seqtreedisplay, the free program GraphViz needs to be installed: