EXPLANATION OF THE CONTENTS OF THE "DO FILES" ****Accessing the data (The New Immigrant Survey)**** Interested users can register with Princeton University’s Office of Population Research, which manages the data. You can register by visiting the website: (http://nis.princeton.edu/), and directions for registering and accessing the data are provided under the section "Data". The contact information for the researchers who manage the data is available on the website under the section "Research team". ****************************** FOLDER: "MainAnalysis_Wave1" ****************************** These are the do-files for generating the main results described in the paper "Remittances and risk of Major Depressive Episode and Sadness Among New Legal Immigrants to the United States". ****Under the folder "1_CreateVariables"**** Subfolder 1: -Wave 1 sociodemographic, income, and remittances data are merged separately Subfolder 2: -Resondent and spouse income variables are created -Respondent & household ID are extracted -Household income variable is created -Respondent and spouse remittances data are merged -Sociodemographic, income, and remittances data are merged together Subfolder 3: -Variables for remittances given by the respondent's household and remittances received by the respondent's household are created. Subfolder 4: -Sociodemographic and health variables are created, including the dependent variables, major depressive episode (MDE) and sadness. -Flags are created that capture the number of cases with missing values across study measures. -Variables are transformed as needed. *************************** *************************** ****Under the folder "2_MultipleImputation"**** -Dataset with study variables extracted -Multiple imputation of missing data is performed -Post imputation management of some variables *************************** *************************** ****Under the folder "3_Analysis"**** Subfolder 1: -Reference groups for categorical variables are set Subfolder 2: Analysis are performed on the full sample. -Sample characteristics -Sociodemographic correlates of MDE and sadness -Main & conditional effects of remittances (continuous) on MDE and sadness -Main & conditional effect of remitted (yes/no) on MDE and sadness Analysis are perfomed on the sample of remitters only -Main & conditional effects of remittances (continuous) on MDE and sadness Significant interaction (remitters only) is graphed -The effect of remittances (continous) on sadness varies by visatype. ********************************************************************************************* ********************************************************************************************* ******************************************* FOLDER: "SupplementaryAnalysis_Wave1&2" ******************************************* These are the do-files for generating the supplementary results described in the paper. ****Under the folder "1_CreateVariables"**** Subfolder 1: -Wave 2 sociodemographic, income, and remittances data are merged separately Subfolder 2: -Respondent & household ID are extracted -Sociodemographic, income, and remittances data are merged together Subfolder 3: -Additional wave 1 variables and wave 2 dependent variable (MDE and sadness) are created. *************************** *************************** ****Under the folder "2_MultipleImputation"**** -Wave 1 dataset (from the main analyses above) & wave 2 dataset with study variables extracted -Wave 1 and wave 2 datasets merged -Multiple imputation of missing data is performed -Additional management of some varibles (post imputation) is performed. *************************** ************************** ****Under the folder "3_Analysis"**** Subfolder 1: -Reference groups for categorical variables are set Subfolder 2: Analysis are performed on the full sample. Wave 1 independent variable (remittances) is regressed on wave 2 dependent variables (MDE and sadness) net of wave 1 sociodemographic and health controls. -Sample characteristics -Sociodemographic correlates of MDE and sadness -Main & conditional effects of remittances on MDE and sadness -Main & conditional effect of remitted (yes/no) on MDE and sadness Analysis are perfomed on the sample of remitters only -Main & conditional effects of remittances (continuous) on MDE and sadness ********************************************************************************************* *********************************************************************************************