FILE DESCRIPTION activities_US_Fr_Sp.sav Final file in SPSS by activity activities_US_Fr_Sp.dta Final file in STATA by activity ttop_US_Fr_Sp.sav Final file in SPSS. Total by time with a aprtner measure ttop_US_Fr_Sp.dta Final file in STATA. Total by time with a aprtner measure Preparation_France.sps SPSS syntax file to prepare the initial file for France Preparation_Spain.sps SPSS syntax file to prepare the initial file for Spain Preparation_USA.sps SPSS syntax file to prepare the initial file for the US Tempogram_France.sps SPSS syntax file to obtain data to create the tempogram for France Tempogram_Spain.sps SPSS syntax file to obtain data to create the tempogram for Spain Tempogram_USA.sps SPSS syntax file to obtain data to create the tempogram for the US TTOP_Internationa_activity.sps SPSS syntax file to create the emasure of time with a partner by activity TTOP_International.sps SPSS syntax file to create the emasure of time with a partner TTOP_match countries SPSS syntax file to merge 3 countries ttop_results STATA syntax file to obtain the results