Files included for Sheftel & Heiland 2018 How to obtain data the American Community Survey (ACS) 2010-2014 data used: 1) Go to 2) Create an account and sign the user agreement 3) Select Sample: ACS 2014 5% (ACS 2010-2014) 4) Select the following variables: YEAR (Census year) DATANUM (Data set number) SERIAL (Household serial number) HHWT (Household weight) GQ (Group quarters status) PERNUM (Person number in sample unit) PERWT (Person weight) SEX (Sex) AGE (Age) BIRTHYR (Year of birth) RACE (Race [general version]) RACED (Race [detailed version]) HISPAN (Hispanic origin [general version]) HISPAND (Hispanic origin [detailed version]) BPL (Birthplace [general version]) BPLD (Birthplace [detailed version]) CITIZEN (Citizenship status) YRNATUR (Year naturalized) YRIMMIG (Year of immigration) YRSUSA1 (Years in the United States) YRSUSA2 (Years in the United States, intervalled) EDUC (Educational attainment [general version]) EDUCD (Educational attainment [detailed version]) VETDISAB (VA service-connected disability rating) DIFFREM (Cognitive difficulty) DIFFPHYS (Ambulatory difficulty) DIFFMOB (Independent living difficulty) DIFFCARE (Self-care difficulty) DIFFSENS (Vision or hearing difficulty) DIFFEYE (Vision difficulty) DIFFHEAR (Hearing difficulty) 5) Limit AGE variable to 40-90 6) Download data (for reading in Stata) and extract (see below) Files included: 1) Stata .do file for extracting and coding variables from data file 1 (above). 2) ACS2010-2014_DATA_Sheftel_Heiland_2018.xlsx After extracting and coding the data we aggregated the data (see file #1 for extraction, coding and aggregation) and exported to Excel for analysis. This excel file includes that aggregated data. Data was analyzed using StataSE 14 and Microsoft Excel 2010