Replication material for journal article: 'Can context information reduce uncertainty in expert predictions in Delphi surveys? A case study on immigration to the EU' This file lists and describes the files in the zip file '' The analysis was carried out in R (4.0.3). The complete dataset is included in the files, and has been anonymised. Files: 1. delphi_paper.Rproj Make sure to open this file first to define the working directory. 2. analysis_script.R Script with tables and figures. 3. expanel.rds Survey dataset. 4. Readme-and-Codebook.html Survey dataset codebook. 5. Readme-and-Codebook.Rmd File used to create the codebook. 6. style.css File to provide style to the codebook. 7. delphi-questionnarire-round-1-2.pdf Delphi questionnaires used.