************************************** *** BIRTH MONTH AND ADULT LIFESPAN *** 14/06/2023 ************************************** Authors: Cozzani, Minardi, Corti, & Barban Softwares used: R studio and STATA 17. This folder contains Do files and R scripts reproducing the manuscript 1. Rscript -> contains the scripts creating the dataset from the available Familinx @ https://osf.io/fd25c/ where can be downloaded. The files first extract relevant column from profiles-anon.txt data, and then associates parents from relations-anon.txt data. Both "profiles-anon.txt" and "relations-anon.txt" can be downloaded from https://osf.io/fd25c/. 1.1 Familinx_creation.R creates the sample and already limits it based on age (50-100 y.o.) 1.2 Familinx_creation_DATA.R creates the data to use in STATA 2. Data -> Contains two objects: 2.1 Main folder where to put the csv generated by "Familinx_creation_DATA.R" script to be imported as .dta -> "FMX_merged_states" please import the csv in dta mantaining the name 2.1.1 the dataset contain a set of variables: birth_latitude: latitude coordinate of the place of birth birth_longitude: longitude coordinate of the place of birth profileid: individual ID birth_year: year of birth death_year: year of death bm: birth month dm: death month gend: sex country_br: country of br (US) parent1: id of parent1 parent2: id of parent2 state_br: US state of birth The full data contain about 5,163,095 records the analytical sample, after selectin on variable of interest about 1,303,137 This procedure is described in the file mentioned at point 4 in this text 2.2 Folder Estimates is used to create the graphs 3. Code -> folder contains STATA do files reproducing the analyses, to reproduce the manuscipt open the "0DO_README" and select in cd "" the folder where you saved the bundle "DR_replication", and please run the do files in the order they are written. Each will produce an output as described in the comments within the Readme do file. 4. Supplementary information -> PDF containing details on sample creation, missingness, geocoding, and supplementary analyses with longevity as an outcome.