Read Me This document explains the files necessary for replication analyses of 'Age-Heterogamous Partnerships: Prevalence and Partner Differences by Marital Status and Gender Composition.' The three Stata .do files create the analytic dataset (.do file 1/3), create and code most necessary variables (.do file 2/3), and run analyses (.do file 3/3). The two .csv files (figure2 and figures3_5) contain estimates produced from Stata analyses. They are imported into R. The R script figure_script.R creates and saves the figures. Please note that users will need to fill in the appropriate file pathways where noted in the .do file and R script, since doing so sets the working directory (computer folder) to import data and/or save figures. All estimates were run using Stata/SE 18.0, and figures 2-5 were produced in R Studio version 2023.09.1 with the ggplot2 visualization package. Figure 1 was produced with Stata. Data File Description The five-year 2017-2021 American Community Survey (ACS) data file was downloaded from IPUMS-USA: Users can create an account and download the data for free. The IPUMS website allows users to download five-year data files and to select what variables to include. The data extract contained the following variables: year multyear sample serial cbserial numprec subsamp hhwt expwth hhtype cbhhtype cluster adjust cpi99 region stateicp statefip countyicp countyfip density metro met2013 met2013err metpop10 pctmetro city cityerr puma strata cpuma0010 cntry gq gqtype gqtyped hhincome coupletype ssmc nfams nsubfam ncouples multgen multgend cbnsubfam respmode qhhincome pernum cbpernum perwt expwtp slwt famunit famsize subfam sftype sfrelate cbsubfam cbsftype cbsfrelate sploc sprule nchild nchlt5 eldch yngch relate related sex age marst birthyr marrno marrinyr yrmarr divinyr widinyr fertyr race raced hispan hispand bpl bpld citizen speakeng racamind racasian racblk racpacis racwht racother racnum educ educd empstat empstatd labforce classwkr classwkrd occ occsoc indnaics inctot ftotinc sei hwsei presgl prent migrate1 migrate1d migplac1 migcounty1 migmet131 migmet13err migtype1 migpuma1 qage qfertyr qmarrno qmarst qrelate qsex qmarinyr qyrmarr qwidinyr qdivinyr qbpl qcitizen qhispan qlanguag qrace qspeaken qeduc qclasswk qempstat qind qocc qincbus qincinvs qincothe qincreti qincss qinctot qftotinc qincwage qincwelf qmigplc1 qmigrat1 Most of these variables were not used in the final analysis, but all ACS variables the paper analyzed are present in the above list. Please see the Stata .do files for more information.