Articles By Subject


23 July 2024 | data description

Introducing the Sudan Labor Market Panel Survey 2022

Caroline Krafft, Ragui Assaad, Ruby Cheung

Volume: 51 Article ID: 4
Pages: 81–106
DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2024.51.4

21 January 2020 | research article

Traditional versus Facebook-based surveys: Evaluation of biases in self-reported demographic and psychometric information

Kyriaki Kalimeri, Mariano G. Beiró, Andrea Bonanomi, Alessandro Rosina, Ciro Cattuto

Volume: 42 Article ID: 5
Pages: 133–148
DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2020.42.5

22 March 2017 | research material

Extracting and reshaping World Fertility Survey data in Stata

Germán Rodriguez, Trevor Croft

Volume: 36 Article ID: 31
Pages: 893–904
DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2017.36.31

19 May 2015 | research article

Reconstructing trends in international migration with three questions in household surveys: Lessons from the MAFE project

Bruno Schoumaker, Cris Beauchemin

Volume: 32 Article ID: 35
Pages: 983–1030
DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2015.32.35

09 April 2013 | reflection

The power of the interviewer: A qualitative perspective on African survey data collection

Sara Randall, Ernestina Coast, Natacha Compaore, Philippe Antoine

Volume: 28 Article ID: 27
Pages: 763–792
DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2013.28.27

03 May 2012 | research article

What is on a Demographer’s Mind? : A Worldwide Survey

Hendrik P. van Dalen, Kène Henkens

Volume: 26 Article ID: 16
Pages: 363–408
DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2012.26.16

30 November 2007 | research material

Generations and Gender Survey (GGS): Towards a better understanding of relationships and processes in the life course

Andres Vikat, Zsolt Spéder, Gijs Beets, Francesco Billari, Christoph Bühler, Aline Désesquelles, Tineke Fokkema, Jan M. Hoem, Alphonse MacDonald, Gerda Neyer, Ariane Pailhé, Antonella Pinnelli, Anne Solaz

Volume: 17 Article ID: 14
Pages: 389–440
DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2007.17.14

10 September 2003 | reflection

The problematic estimation of "imitation effects" in multilevel models

Øystein Kravdal

Volume: 9 Article ID: 2
Pages: 25–40
DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2003.9.2