@article{Bui2020, author = {Bui, D.P. and McCaffrey, K. and Friedrichs, M. and LaCross, N. and Lewis, N.M. and Sage, K. and Barbeau, B. and Vilven, D. and Rose, C. and Braby, S. and Willardson, S. and Carter, A. and Smoot, C. and Winquist, A. and Dunn, A.}, title= {Racial and ethnic disparities among COVID-19 cases in workplace outbreaks by industry sector ‒ Utah, March 6–June 5, 2020}, year = {2020}, doi = {10.15585/mmwr.mm6933e3}, volume = {69}, number = {33}, pages = {1133‒1138}, }