@article{Kruk2018, author = {Kruk, M.E. and Gage, A.D. and Arsenault, C. and Jordan, K. and Leslie, H.H. and Roder-DeWan, S. and Adeyi, O. and Barker, P. and Daelmans, B. and Doubova, S.V. and English, M. and GarcĂ­a-Elorrio, E. and Guanais, F. and Gureje, O. and Hirschhorn, L.R. and Jiang, L. and Kelley, E. and Lemango, E.T. and Liljestrand, J. and Pate, M.}, title= {High-quality health systems in the Sustainable Development Goals era: Time for a revolution}, year = {2018}, doi = {10.1016/S2214-109X(18)30386-3}, volume = {6}, number = {11}, pages = {e1196--e1252}, }