Juan Manuel Garcia-Gonzalez

Juan Manuel Garcia-Gonzalez

Bs in Sociology and Statistics by the University of Salamanca, and PhD in Sociology by UNED. Since 2015, I am an Associate Professor (tenure) (Profesor Titular de Universidad, in Spanish) at the Department of Sociology of the Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Sevilla. I am editor of Encrucijadas. Revista Crítica de Ciencias Sociales.

My main research line is in demography, specifically about mortality, longevity, centenarians, aging, and health. I put great interest in the study of the causes of death, especially those that could generate gender inequalities or that are a consequence of social inequalities. Currently, I am working very hard on loneliness and social isolation.

I am the principal investigator of the PAIDI Research Group "Demography and Social Research in Health" (SEJ-654). I am the Chair of the "Cátedra UPO-Cruz Roja in Loneliness Studies".

I am always open to drinking beer and making paellas.


Universidad Pablo de Olavide (UPO)


Articles by Juan Manuel Garcia-Gonzalez

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