Kim Caarls

Kim Caarls

I‘m a postdoctoral researcher at the Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI). For my PhD dissertation, I investigated how Ghanaian families form, transform, and possibly dissolve in the context of international migration. I have ample experience with complex survey designs and advanced statistical methods. At NIDI, I continue to study the effects of international migration on family life with the FaMiLife project. In line with this project, I emphasize the need for an origin and destination perspective in order to fully understand the functioning of family life across borders.


Nederlands Interdisciplinair Demografisch Instituut (NIDI)
++ 31 (0)70 3565258

Articles by Kim Caarls

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24 March 2016 | research article

Transnational relationships and reunification

Kim Caarls, Valentina Mazzucato

Volume: 34 Article ID: 21
Pages: 587–614
DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2016.34.21