This folder contains two files that would allow for replication of the results described in the article "The Life cycle Dimension of Time Tranfers in Europe", by Emilio Zagheni and Marina Zannella 1. 1)"Zag_Zan_DR_R_code_for manuscript_#2022.R" contains the full R code used for the analysis 2. 2)"datapopsize.csv" is a data file with population counts by age, for selected countries. It was extracted from the UN World Population Prospects, the 2010 Revision. It is used as input for the analysis. IMPORTANT NOTES: a) The code requires the MTUS W53 data set ("MTUS_W53.sav") that you could download for free from the Multinational Time Use Study webpage ( The size of the file is about 86 MB. The data file is not included here because the authors signed a user agreement that asks not to share the data with third parties. However, the data set is publicly available and anybody could download it. b) The R code will generate other datasets from the two initial data files. The output datasets will be then read in in R as input for some parts of the subsequent analysis c) The code will also generate all the figures in the manuscript in pdf format d) The code was tested on the R version 3.0.1