The supplemental .zip archive for this publication contains the following files. Stata files were created using Version 12 and may not be compatible with earlier versions. For each simulation scenario, it includes: 1. The Stata do-files used to create and run each of the simulations (eg ""). The do files are designed to be easily adaptable for any other scenarios that the reader might wish to run. As such, where the do-file has the note: //specify parameters for DGP [line 19] The reader can choose parameter values in order to create their own scenarios. With the exception of these values, the do files are identical for scenarios 1-5, and very similar to those for scenarios 6 and 7 (for these, the introduction of the cohort term in the fixed part of the model required a few other changes to be made in the code). 2. The dataset that resulted from each simulation scenario (eg "sc1.dta"). This allows the reader to see the actual values obtained by the simulations (as well as the graphical representations of them in the paper); this also includes a number of parameters that were not used in the paper, such as residual standard errors. In addition, the appendix includes the code used to create the graphs in figure 3 ("graphing").