The .zip file Dem Res File #2249 contains 2 SAS programs: DR REPLICATION CODE contains code that creates variables from 3 NSFG cycles and merges the data from the 3 cycles into 1 data set. DR REPLICATION RUNS contain the PROCs that created the results for the tables in the paper. The data are public use and available from 3 NSFG cycles are used to create the data set: NSFG Cycle 5 (1995); NSFG Cycle 6 (2002); 2006-2010 NSFG. Clicking on each of these cycles takes the user to a webpage that contains the data and program statements (SAS, STATA, SPSS) that create data sets in the desired format. For 2006-2010, the data set is: 2006_2010_FemResp.dat; the program used is: For 2002, the data set is: 2002FemResp.dat; the program used is: For 1995, the data set is: 1995FemREsp.dat; the program used is: Each webpage also contains questionnaires and codebooks.