************************************************************ *SUPLEMENTARY MATERIAL TO THE ARTICLE * "DOES WAITING PAY OFF FOR COUPLES? - THE EFFECT OF PARTNERSHIP DURATION PRIOR TO HOUSEHOLD FORMATION ON UNION STABILITY" * AUTHORED BY CHRISTINE SCHNOR (christine.schnor@soc.kuleuven.be) Data for this article come from pairfam (www.pairfam.de/en). The study uses a special event history data set that is documented in Schnor & Bastin (2014): http://www.pairfam.de/fileadmin/user_upload/redakteur/publis/technical_papers/TP03_Event-History_Schnor_Bastin.pdf 1. Stata Data set “DR_payoff.dta” This data set includes an initial sample (random 15% of the original data) with which all the codes can be run. 2. Stata do file “Data_preparation.do” In this file, the variables are made and the analytical sample is selected. It informs how Table 1 and Figure 4 (Appendix were constructed). 3. Stata do file “Descriptives.do” This file describes the sample composition illustrated in Table 2. It also contains the codes to construct the cumulative incidence functions (Figure 1a and 1b), as well as the Kaplan Meier curves (Figure 2). 4. Stata do file “Multivariate_analysis.do” This file contains the code to estimate the multivariate models (Table 3 and Table 4 (Appendix)). It also includes the code of the robustness checks.