The data file contains 18 variables of which six variables are identifier and 12 variables are a set of dependent and independent variables at three point of time. This data file also serves a ready reference and use for district level information over a period of two decade on four key variables of development. A brief description of each of the variable is given below. 1. state_code_2011: This is a variable to identify states and union territories of India. There are 35 state and union territories in India and this variable helps to identify the state to which the district belongs. The code is as per census of India 2011. It will facilitate researchers to merge and use with other variables 2. dist_code_2011: As per census of India 2011, there were 640 districts in India. Census of India, 2011 for the first time has developed a unique code for each district. This identifier has been kept for the benefit of researchers. 3. statedistricts: This is the unique ID created for each district. This variable is also used to filter out the district level variables for analyses. Some state level variables are also kept in the data set for the benefits of researchers. It runs from 1 to 640 and unique for each district. However, some estimates of state level are also given. In case researcher are interested only in district level analyses as focused on paper they can delete the cases where statedistrict<5000. 4. districts: This variable spells the name of the district. 5. old_state_code: The state code of census of India 2001 and 2011 were different. Since we are using data of three point of time, the state code of 20001 census (also same for 1991 census) has been kept for benefit of end users 6. dt_old_new: There were 466 districts in 1991, 593 districts in 2001 and 640 districts in 2011 census. This variables help to identify if a district was created between 1991 and 2001 or between 2001 and 2011. 7. tfr_91: This is the estimated total fertility rate (TFR) for the period 1991. It is one of the dependent variable in the analyses. 8. tfr_01: This is the estimated total fertility rate (TFR) for the period 2001. It is one of the dependent variable in the analyses. 9. tfr_11: This is the estimated total fertility rate (TFR) for the period 2011. It is one of the dependent variable in the analyses. 10. U5MR_1991: This is under-five mortality for 1991. The estimates are taken from census of India 11. U5MR_2001: This is under-five mortality for 2001. The estimates are taken from census of India. 12. U5MR_2011: This is under-five mortality for 2011. The estimates are taken from Annual health Survey and published estimates from Ram et al. 13. flit1991: This is female literacy of 1991. Estimates are derived from census of India 14. flit2001: This is female literacy of 2001. Estimates are derived from census of India 15. flit2011: This is female literacy of 2011. Estimates are derived from census of India 16. pov_dt_50_adj pov: This variable is derived from consumption expenditure data of National Sample Surveys (NSS). The term 50 refers to 50th round of data. 17. pov_dt_61_adj pov: This variable is derived from consumption expenditure data of National Sample Surveys (NSS). The term 61 refers to 61th round of NSS data. 18. pov_dt_66_adj pov: This variable is derived from consumption expenditure data of National Sample Surveys (NSS). The term 66 refers to 66th round of NSS data.