The data files cover 4 waves of data (1993, 1997, 2000, 2007). To download the data, go to: You will need to provide your contact information to access the data. Under IFLS1 DATA AND DOCUMENTATION, download: All data files, STATA: hh93dta Under IFLS2 DATA AND DOCUMENTATION, download: All data files, STATA: hh97dta Under IFLS3 DATA AND DOCUMENTATION, download: All data files, STATA: hh00_all_dta Under IFLS4 DATA AND DOCUMENTATION, download: All data files, STATA: hh07_all_dta Store these files in a directory with folders: Wave 1, Wave 2, Wave 3, Wave 4 and put the corresponding data in each folder (for example, IFLS1 data in Wave 1). You will need to extract the data out of the zip file and place it in the correct folder before running the STATA code (in some cases there are zip folders within zip folders, so be sure to extract all files).