The supplemental .zip archive for this publication contains the following files. Stata files were created using Version 12 and may not be compatible with earlier versions. Note that the household roster dataset is not publicly released by Statistics South Africa and therefore we do not include the specific variables in the available datasets. 1. R program for sequence and cluster analysis. It produces the cluster membership dataset. sequence_cluster.R. 2. R data file to be used for sequence and cluster analysis: TUS2010_elderly_seq.Rdata 3. Stata program file to produce descriptive statistics in Tables 1 & 2: 4. Stata data file, TUS 2010 on time use of elderly South Africans in long format, to be used with TUS2010_elderly.dta 5. Stata program file to run multinomial regressions and save results in .rtf format. 6. Stata data file, TUS2010_elderly_wide.dta, time use of elderly South Africans in wide format (without household roster variables). 7. Comma-delimited data file, cluster membership tu60cl.csv 8. Stata data file, cluster membership tu60cl.dta