The supplemental .zip archive for this publication contains Stata file which was created using Version 14 and may not be compatible with earlier versions. Please note that the authors are not permitted to disseminate the data, but the survey data can be obtained directly from the Center for Social Research and Data Archieves, Institute of Social Science, the University of Tokyo (please go to, follow the instructions in to create a new account. After logging into the account, researchers should click "usage application," and search for "PM010" and "PY010", respectively, in the next page, and follow the instructions in to apply for the data. If one decides to use advanced search option to find the data, please make sure to type "PM010" or "PY010" in the box for "Full text"). Also, because of the procedue to impute data for the model estimation, the results generated from the do file will be slightly different (the imputed data change each time). 1. Stata program file to produce JLPS estimates JLPS2007_3231.DO