The supplemental .zip archive for this publication contains the following files. 1. Stata program file for imputing time use to national samples of the EU-SILC survey and estimating housework and childcare consumption by gender and age 2. Stata data files containing housework and childcare production by age, gender and household type for each country (originally downloaded from the HETUS web application) [country]hhtype.dta and [country]hhtype2.dta 3. R script for estimating the median wages by ISCO categories in the Structure of Earnings surveys for each country wage_SES2002.R 4. Excel file containing final wages for household production activities after adjustments and check-ups Wages2002.xlsx 5. Excel files for finalizing gender specific age profiles of household production and consumption and containing robustness checks for each country NTTAHETUS_[country]_[year].xlsx 6. Excel file for combining National Transder Accounts and National Time Transfer Accounts age profiles in 9 EU countries nta.xlsx Original microdata files of the EU statistics on income and living conditions (EU-SILC: and the Structure of Earnings Survey (SES: for the 14 European countries are obtained by Eurostat. See the terms and conditions of microdata access at Eurostat: All supplemental files note if other types of data are used, such as age and gender specific population figures, National Accounts (originally downloaded from the Eurostat website) or HETUS time use data (originally downloaded from the HETUS web application). Final gender and age specific estimations of production and consumption for childcare, housework, interhousehold unpaid labour for the 14 European countries can be also downloaded using the following link: