LIST OF FILES 1) supplemental material.txt (this file) Note that the data used to build figures 4-6 are in tables A1-A3 in the Appendix. ***** INSTRUCTIONS FOR ACCESSING DATA A) Data for computing childlessness rates for Italy (figure 3 and elsewhere): births by mother’s age and birth order: 1952-2012: Human Fertility Database website (access only previous online registration) --> Italy --> Input data --> Births 2013-2015: Eurostat statistical database website --> Population and social conditions --> Demography and migrations --> Fertility --> Live births by mother’s age and birth order (demo_fordagec) women by age: 1952-2011: Istat I.Stat website --> Inter censuses population 2012-2016: Istat I.Stat website --> Population --> Resident population on 1st January B) Microdata of Istat Labour Force Survey (Indagine sulle forze di lavoro) Data can be accessed only upon formal request and after presenting a detailed research project at the Laboratorio per l’Analisi dei Dati ELEmentari (ADELE) of Istat (available in Istat offices in Rome, Florence, Milan, Naples, among others). See for more detailed information and application forms. Data of Figure 2: Childlessness proportion in selected age groups and years. Age Group Cohort 2004 2007 2010 2013 37–39 Treatment 1974–76 37.1 30.45 Control 1971–73 35.9 29.7 Placebo 1968–70 33.13 25.77 38–40 Treatment 1973–75 33.63 28.7 Control 1970–72 32.32 28.3 Placebo 1967–69 29.74 24.05 42–44 Treatment 1969–71 26.16 24.02 Control 1966–68 23.39 22.53 Placebo 1963–65 21.51 20.66 Source: Elaboration of the authors based on the Italian Labor Force Survey (LFS) data 2004-2013 accessed through the Laboratorio per l’Analisi dei Dati ELEmentari (ADELE) of Istat in Florence.