The supplemental .zip archive for this publication contains two stata dofile and one data file created with STATA 14. - The first dofile reads DHS data of all countries included in the analysis and creates a poolled dataset replacation.dta - The data file replacation.dta is provided. - The second dofile replacation2 takes that created dataset as input and gives as output three files decomp.xlxs, coefpoolur.xlm and decompfinal.xlsx. The dofile takes as input DHS individual data (IR files) of all countries listed in the paper and gives as output three files: decomp.xlxs, coefpoolur.xlm and decompfinal.xlsx The three output files are used to produce all results of the paper based on microdata. These results are the appendix tables. Table A-1A and Table A-1B are extracted from the reorganization of the excel file decomp.xlxs. The xlxs file provides country-by-country decomposition analysis. The tables can also be extracted from the file decompfinal.xlsx, if the reader is able to stick to the ordering used to read the countries. Table A-2A and Table A-2B are extracted from the reorganization of the xlm file ‘’coefpoolur.xlm’’ Table A-3A and Table A-3B are extracted from the reorganization of the file decompfinal.xlsx.