The supplemental .zip archive for this publication contains the following files: 1. Stata dataset "NHANES.dta" This a Stata dataset containing publically-available data downloaded from the NHANES website ( More information on the variables included in the download is available in the "format_data" do-file. 2. Stata do-file "format_data" This do-file formats the NHANES data. It should be executed first (after changing the location of the working directory). 3. Stata do-file "analysis" This do-file contains the code necessary to replicate the numbers presented in the text, tables, and figures. It should be executed after the above do-file (after changing the working directory). 4. Excel spreadsheet "2000_census_age" This file has two tabs. The first, "Census 200 Age Distribution," contains the age distribution in the 2000 US Census which is used for all of the age-standardizations in the paper. The data was downloaded from the Centers for Disease Control website (more information here: The second tab "Census 2000 ASCDR" calculates the ASCDR using the Deaths data contained in Minino et al., and cited in Section 3.1. The Stata files were created using Stata Version 15 and may not be compatible with earlier versions.