The file Final_3 Do File Indian consists of a commented Stata program file that can be used to do the analysis and create the tables in publication 38-31. IndianParadoxFeb2018.dta is the data file used for the analysis (in Stata format). It consists of all the variables used in the analysis. The individual and household data files for IHDS 2005 and 2012 can be downloaded from the ICPSR website. The appended files will be available soon. The following is the link to data from IHDS 2005: The following is the link to IHDS 2012: Files to be downloaded from both these sites will be DS1:  Individual  and DS2:  Household. Next, both the DS1 files have to be appended to obtain the individual append file and both the DS2 files have to be appended to obtain the household append file. The link files used to append these data files from the two rounds can be downloaded from the link below: