This folder contains files that permit replicating the tables and figures contained in the paper “Estimating mortality from external causes using data from retrospective surveys: a validation study in Niakhar (Senegal)” It includes two datasets: 1) sibships.dta 2) ssh.dta The first dataset contains data from the HDSS, which will constitute the reference dataset in this validation study. Each row represents an individual member of the HDSS, whose sibship was included in the validation study. The second dataset contains survey data, which we collected in 2013. It consists of siblings’ survival histories whose validity we seek to evaluate. Each row represents a sibling nominated by a respondent during this survey. There may be multiple respondents per sibships. The folder also contains three do-files: 1) 2) 2) The first do-file reproduces tables 1-4; whereas the remaining two do-files produce figures 1 and 2. Note that final appearance of the figures is obtained through STATA’s graph editor.