Files: - #3675 : program for descriptive analysis, graphs, and regression analysis (seemingly unrelated regressions) - france_19thStata13.dta : data file in Stata 13 format, one record per French Département (county), with all variables in the final models Variable name: Description: V3 "Département/County" NomDepartement "Name of county" popmoyurb "Mean population urban" popmoyrur "Mean population rural" popmoytotal "Mean population total" tauxnaissurb "Crude birth rate urban" tauxdecesurb "Crude death rate urban" tauxnaissrur "Crude birth rate rural" tauxdecesrur "Crude death rate rural" tauxurb "Total growth rate urban" tauxrur "Total growth rate rural" date "Date mid-period" V3inclu "Counties included in paper's analysis" dG "Total U-R growth difference" dCBR "Crude birth rate U-R difference" dCDR "Crude death rate U-R difference" dNG "Natural U-R growth difference" dR "Reclassification U-R growth difference" dMG "Migration U-R growth difference" dMtot "Total Migration U-R growth difference" dNtot "Total Natural U-R growth difference" pcMtot "Natural U-R growth difference" region "large region RECODE of V3" dGw "pop-weighted Total U-R growth difference" dCBRw "pop-weighted Crude birth rate U-R difference" dCDRw "pop-weighted Crude death rate U-R difference" dNGw "pop-weighted Natural U-R growth difference" dRw "pop-weighted Reclassification U-R growth difference" dRmigw "pop-weighted Migration component of Reclassification U-R growth difference" dRnatw "pop-weighted Natural component of Reclassification U-R growth difference" dMGw "pop-weighted Migration U-R growth difference" dMtotw "pop-weighted Total Migration U-R growth difference" dNtotw "pop-weighted Total Natural U-R growth difference" pcMtotw "percentage contribution of Total Migration U-R growth difference" france_popmoytot "Mean population France" provfrance_popmoytot "Mean population Provincial France" provfrance_popmoyurb "Mean population urban Provincial France" provfrance_popmoyrur "Mean population rural Provincial France" dG_france "Provincial France Total U-R growth difference" dCBR_france "Provincial France Crude birth rate U-R difference" dCDR_france "Provincial France Crude death rate U-R difference" dNG_france "Provincial France Natural U-R growth difference" dR_france "Provincial France Reclassification U-R growth difference" dRmig_france "Provincial France Migration component of Reclassification U-R growth diff" dRnat_france "Provincial France Natural component of Reclassification U-R growth diff" dMG_france "Provincial France Migration U-R growth difference" dMtot_france "Provincial France Total Migration U-R growth difference" dNtot_france "Provincial France Total Natural U-R growth difference" pcMtot_france "Provincial France perc. contrib. Total Migration U-R growth difference" dRMG_france "Provincial France Reclassification + Migration U-R growth difference" region_popmoytot "Mean population by Region" dG_region "Region Total U-R growth difference" dCBR_region "Region Crude birth rate U-R difference" dCDR_region "Region Crude death rate U-R difference" dNG_region "Region Natural U-R growth difference" dR_region "Region Reclassification U-R growth difference" dMG_region "Region Migration U-R growth difference" dMtot_region "Region Total Migration U-R growth difference" dNtot_region "Region Total Natural U-R growth difference" pcMtot_region "Region perc. contrib. Total Migration U-R growth difference" agriculture "Number of employment in agriculture" industrie "Number of employment in industry" commerce_tran~t "Number of employment in commerce_transport" public "Number of employment in public administration" clerge "Number of employment in clergy" autres "Number of employment in other sectors" total "Number of employment in total" p_agriculture "% of employment in agriculture" p_industrie "% of employment in industry" p_commerce_tr~t "% of employment in commerce_transport" p_public "% of employment in public administration" p_clerge "% of employment in clergy" p_autres "% of employment in other sectors" PU "Percentage urban" PU_2 "Percentage urban squared" date_integer "dates as integers = date*10" date_ar "dates as 1 (=1826) 2 (=1833.5) ... 12 (=1893.5)" beg_interval "date beginning of interval" PU_neighbour_mean "% urban in neighbouring counties" wPU_neighbour_mean "weighted % urban in neighbouring counties" Département "Département's name (txt)" Préfecture "Préfecture's name (txt)" oiseauParis "bird's distance to Paris" autorouteParis "highway distance to Paris" routeParis "road (no highway) distance to Paris (Google map)" distgrandeville "road (no highway) distance to nearest big city (Google map) grandeville "nearest big city's name" Régionadministrative "Région administrative" routeParis_6 "road (no highway) distance to Paris 1856" routeParis_7 "road (no highway) distance to Paris 1861" routeParis_8 "road (no highway) distance to Paris 1866" routeParis_9 "road (no highway) distance to Paris 1872" routeParis_10 "road (no highway) distance to Paris 1881" routeParis_11 "road (no highway) distance to Paris 1886" distgrandeville_6 "road (no highway) distance to nearest big city 1856" distgrandeville_7 "road (no highway) distance to nearest big city 1861" distgrandeville_8 "road (no highway) distance to nearest big city 1866" distgrandeville_9 "road (no highway) distance to nearest big city 1872" distgrandeville_10 "road (no highway) distance to nearest big city 1881" distgrandeville_11 "road (no highway) distance to nearest big city 1886" PU_prec "% urban previous period" PUProvFrance "% urban Provincial France" PUFrance "% urban France" PUSeine "% urban Seine county" popSeine "population Seine county" popexclu "population excluded counties" PUExclu "% urban exclucded counties" ProvFrance "indicator 0/1 Provincial France" date_beg "date beginning of the period" CBR_urban "Crude birth rate urban areas" CBR_rural "Crude birth rate rural areas" CDR_urban "Crude death rate urban areas" CDR_rural "Crude death rate rural areas" TG_urban "Total growth rate urban areas" TG_rural "Total growth rate rural areas" pward_group "Four clusters using Ward method" pward_group_popmoytot "mean pop in cluster" dG_pward_group "Cluster Total U-R growth difference" dCBR_pward_group "Cluster Crude birth rate U-R difference" dCDR_pward_group "Cluster Crude death rate U-R difference" dNG_pward_group "Cluster Natural U-R growth difference" dR_pward_group "Cluster Reclassification U-R growth difference" dMG_pward_group "Cluster Migration U-R growth difference" dMtot_pward_group "Cluster Total Migration U-R growth difference" dNtot_pward_group "Cluster Total Natural U-R growth difference" pcMtot_pward_group "Cluster perc. contrib. Total Migration U-R growth difference" ecoles "number of schools per 10 municipalities" rurdensity "pop of rural municip. <2000 inhabitants per 1000 hectares" pward_group_period "combination cluster - period"