The files prepare the HRS data and run the Stata (version 14.2) and R (version 3.4.1) analyses necessary for replication of the study The data cannot be shared, but are available at no cost to researchers who sign a user contract (see file data-acces.txt): After gaining acces, researchers will be able to download 1) the biomarker data, which has been used in the analyses (names: BIOMK06BL_R, BIOMK08BL_R, BIOMK10BL_R, BIOMK12BL_R) 2) the RAND harmonized file, version P for the standard HRS data and finally (names: rndhrs_p) 3) the EXIT files containing information about vitality status of the respondents and cause of death (names: X08A_R, X10A_R, X12A_R, X14A_R). The downloaded files have to be transformed into Stata format (*.dta) by use of the files provided by HRS using the same names as above, but with the ending “.dta”. BIOMK06BL_R.dta, BIOMK08BL_R.dta, BIOMK10BL_R.dta, BIOMK12BL_R.dta, rnd_hrs.dta, X08A_R.dta, X10A_R.dta, X12A_R.dta, X14A_R.dta Then the Stata (version 14.2)/R (version 3.4.1) code provided can be run to manage the HRS data and the run the analyses. The ordering of the files is the following and additionally listed in the "" file. "" *Runs all Stata files and defines the ordering * "" *program in Stata to create cut-offs for biomarkers* "" *prepares the HRS mortality and cause of death data "" *prepares HRS biomarker data* "" *prepares Mortality data from HRS* "" "brings the data in wide format for survival analysis" "" *conducts the cluster analysis* "" *runs analyses to determine the clusternumber* "BIO-DR-ClusterNR-AUC.R" *runs analyses to determine the clusternumber --> AUC* "" *does multiple imputation* "" *main regression analyses (survival models*) "BIO-DR-SurvivalROC.R" * calculation of AUC values in R* "" *descriptive statistics and graphs* "BIO-DR-Functions.R" *helper functions to load data and produce output in R*