The supplemental .zip archive for this publication contains the following files. Stata files were created using Version 13 and may not be compatible with earlier versions. Four country sub-folders: 1. Ethiopia (ET) 2. Kenya (KE) 3. Tanzania (TZ) 4. Zimbabwe (ZW) Each country files contains the following: a. Master Stata do-file for birth interval analysis, for example: And the subset of do-files: ET_create_Birthrecode2000 ET_create_Birthrecode2005 ET_create_Birthrecode2011 ET_create_Birthrecode2016 Which requires the following DHS birth recode data files to be downloaded: ETBR41DT ETBR51dt ETBR61DT ETBR70DT In addition, you will need to download the individual recode data files and extract the 'ever use of contraception variable' (v302) and the women's ID variable (caseid) and save this data in the following format ET_v302_ 20xx.dta ETIR41DT ETIR51dt ETIR61DT ETIR70DT b. A spreadsheet that calculates the fitted estimates for the hazard rates and the median birth interval calculations from the regression models run from the Master do-file. Ethiopia_Fitted_Values.xlsx In order to replicate the results of our analysis, the coefficients from the stata output for each model need to be pasted into the corresponding cells in revelant excel sheet. The destination cells have been highlighted in colour in the sheet.