Instructions for replication of Hannes Weber (2018): 'Higher acceptance rates of asylum seekers lead to slightly more asylum applications in the future', in: Demographic Research. The following two files are needed: - Weber2018_DemographicResearch_ReplicationCode.R - Replication_Data_Weber2018.RData Instructions: 1) Install R ( and run R or RStudio. 2) Open the code (Weber2018_DemographicResearch_ReplicationCode.R) via File -> Open... 3) In line 9 of the code, you need to specify your working directory, that is the folder on your computer where the data are located. For instance: "C:/User/Desktop" (change this entry accordingly). On Mac, this usually starts with "/". 4) Make sure that the data file (Replication_Data_Weber2018.RData) is located in the directory you just specified. 5) Run the code (e.g., selecting everything via ctrl-a and execute via ctrl-enter. 6) The code will automatically generate Table 1 and the robustness tests in a figure called "t_histograms.png" and save it to your working directory. 7) Please contact the author in case of any questions at Thank you for your interest in this publication.