**READ ME** To obtain mortality estimates used in article: Menashe-Oren, Ashira & Guy Stecklov (2018) "Urban-rural disparities in adult mortality in Sub-Saharan Africa". 1. Use the "Orphanhood mortality" text file which sets up a dofile in Stata 11 for obtaining the tabulated data from the DHS files (see DHS txt file for further details). These data can then be transfered to the templates in excel, under section- "Imputed Tabulated Data from DHS". 2. Use the "Orphanhood mortality" excel file which includes templates by sex into which tabulated data on the age of women's childbearing, parental survival and median age of married couples can be imputed. Conditional probabilities of dying (q) are obtained in column "o". Model data for both sexes are included in seperate worksheets.