------------------------------------------------------------------- Poland's National Cancer Registry onkologia.org.pl/raporty Variables: * Lung cancer deaths in 1980-1984 * Lung cancer deaths in 2010-2014 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Poland's Central Statistical office bdl.stat.gov.pl/BDL Variables: * Average emission of particulate matter into the atmosphere per sq. km in 2001-2007 (tonnes per annum) * Average monthly gross wages and salaries in 2002-2007 (PLN) * Average registered unemployment rate in 2004-2007 (%) * Average number of out-patient departments in 2001-2007 (number per 10,000 population) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Kantar Millward Brown Company sample of 251,692 records Variables: * Average share of daily smokers in 2001-2007 (%) * Average monthly fish consumption in 2001-2007 (Kg per capita) * Average monthly red meat consumption in 2001-2007 (Kg per capita) * Average monthly sucrose intake in 2001-2007 (Kg per capita) * Average monthly protein intake in 2001-2007 (Kg per capita) * Average monthly carbohydrate intake in 2001-2007 (Kg per capita) -------------------------------------------------------------------