EXPLANATION OF THE CONTENTS OF THE "DO FILES" ****Accessing the data (The UK Household Longitudinal Study)**** Readers can register with UK Data Service, which manages the data. You can register by visiting the website: (https://www.ukdataservice.ac.uk/). Registration, data order and download, and other information is all on this website. The study number of the UKHLS is #6614. There are other related studies, which would either related to the need to apply for a special license or tailormade for more specific usage. Interested readers could also refer to the website about the study of UKHLS for more details: https://www.understandingsociety.ac.uk/documentation ****************************** FOLDER: "Do_edt" ****************************** These are the do-files for generating the results described in the paper " A New Family Equilibrium? Changing Dynamics between the Gender Division of Labor and Fertility in Great Britain, 1991-2017". Before running the following do files, we have loaded the raw data from the website and done a bit cleaning work and recoded/created a few variables. We would not show all the data cleaning codes because the steps are straightforward, readers would be able to tell what changes we have made by looking at the variables. Furthermore, readers may have their own preferences in data cleaning and variable constructions. 1. equity0_dir.do - set up the path where to save the do files, raw data, working data, and outputs. 2. equity1_fullinterview.do - prepare a new working data based on the raw data, selecting variables that will be needed later - prepare a working data with partners’ information attached to the person in the same record - select sample with full-interviews - 3. equity2_var_pidp.do - prepare key variables 4. equity3_var_cpid.do - restrict to couple samples, with a few age and other restrictions - prepare couple-level division of labor indicators: e.g., employment match, housework share, income share 5. equity4_lcamerge.do - prepare sample for Latent Class Analysis using user-written do file (https://www.methodology.psu.edu/downloads/lcastata/) - do LCA using this plug-in, please follow the instruction provided by the “Methodology Centre”. Stata code saved in folder named as “Plugin_edt”. - merge the data with LCA class assigned back with the earlier data file with all the other variables, and saved as a new dataset 6. equity5_desc.do - further sample restrictions, dropping samples with missing values - descriptive statistics of the sample 7. equity6_model_tab3_4_cross_lcatypo.do - cross-sectional models, multinomial logistic regression models predicting the division of labor type 8. equity7_model_tab5_birthoutcome.do - fixed-effect logistic regressions predicting the birth of a child for all births, excluding any record happening within one year before births - fixed-effect logistic regressions predicting the birth of a child for first and higher order births, excluding any record happening within 0.5 year before births to ensure enough sample size - random-effect logistic regressions predicting the birth of a child - Graph of the estimated coefficients (exponentiated) 9. equity8_model_tab6_cptype - fixed-effect logistic regressions predicting the division of labor type - Hausman test - Graph of the estimated coefficients (exponentiated) ****************************** FOLDER: " Plugin_edt" ****************************** - Latent Class Analysis this plug-in do file, please follow the instruction provided by the “Methodology Centre” (https://www.methodology.psu.edu/downloads/lcastata/).