The supplemental .zip archive for this publication contains the following files: 1. OriginalFileCodebook.pdf This is a codebook for the data downloaded from the NLSY79 website. 2. OriginalFile.xls This file contains the data downloaded from the NLSY79 website, plus one additional variable. It is the source of the information needed to construct the data files that produce Table 1 and Figure 1 in the paper. 3. Table1DataCodebook.pdf This file describes the data needed to produce Table 1 in the paper. 4. Table1Data.xls This file contains the data that yielded Table 1 in the paper. It is an Excel file that was imported into Stata 12. 5. SurvivalDataCodebook.pdf This file describes the data needed to produce the survival analysis in the paper. 6. SurvivalData.xls This file contains the data that yielded Figure 1 in the paper. It is an Excel file that was imported into Stata 12. 7. StataCmds.pdf This file gives the Stata commands that produced the results in Table 1 and Figure 1 in the paper.