METADATA FOR VARAIBLES INCUDED IN THE ANALYSIS ############################################################################################ The GGS Wave 1 micro-datafiles for all GGS countries are available online from the GGP Data Archive ( Registration is required before you can access the data. As a result, the original GGS Harmonized Datafiles are not shared here. Interested users can register with the Gender and Generations Surey website. The application process to get access to the full dataset is described here Directions for registering and accessing the data are provided under the section "Data" at The data used for this analysis is provided under the standard "light acess" user agreement. The analysis in this article has been done on Wave 1 v.4.3 of the GGS data. Full documentation of the GGS-data and meta information about the variables are found in the file GGS-W1_V.4.3. - Consolidated.pdf that is provided in the distributed folder. The names of the variables used for the analysis is found in the script "" ############################################################################################ For the purposue of the analysis in data for men and women aged 30-64 have been selected for the following countries Country | Freq. Percent Cum. ------------------+----------------------------------- 11. Bulgaria | 7,881 9.61 9.61 14. Germany | 6,392 7.79 17.40 15. France | 6,491 7.91 25.32 16. Hungary | 8,487 10.35 35.66 17. Italy | 8,034 9.80 45.46 18. Netherlands | 5,787 7.06 52.52 19. Romania | 7,743 9.44 61.96 21. Austria | 3,167 3.86 65.82 22. Estonia | 4,893 5.97 71.78 23. Belgium | 4,752 5.79 77.58 26. Poland | 12,527 15.27 92.85 29. Sweden | 5,864 7.15 100.00 ------------------+----------------------------------- Total | 82,018 100.00 VARIABLES FROM THE GGP W1 4.3 USED INNTHE ANAYSIS ARE Contains data from Data\GSS-sample.dta obs: 82,018 GGP W1 4.3 ( vars: 22 17 May 2019 15:38 size: 5,495,206 (_dta has notes) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- variable name variable label -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- acountry Country arid R identification number ayear Yr of interview aage Age of Respondent asex Sex Respondent ahhtype Household type Respondent ahhsize Household size including Respondent abyear Birth Year Respondent aeduc Highest Education Level of Respondent amarstat marital status respondent anumbiol Total number of biological children a148 Highest reached education level (country-spec. list) aweight Weight -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A full descriptive table for the variables used in the analysis are found in the Appendix Table A1 and documentaion for the varaibles used are found in the documetation file. Codebook METADATA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- acountry Country ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: acountry range: [11,29] unique values: 12 examples: 15 15. France 17 17. Italy 19 19. Romania 26 26. Poland ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ayear Yr of interview ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (int) label: ayear range: [2002,2013] unique values: 10 examples: 2004 2005 2005 2010 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- aage Age of Respondent ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: aage_lb range: [30,64] unique values: 35 examples: 36 42 50 57 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- asex Sex Respondent ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: asex_lb range: [1,2] unique values: 2 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 36,634 1 male 45,384 2 female ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ahhtype Household type Respondent ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: ahhtype_lb range: [1,9] unique values: 9 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 10,265 1 living alone 5,797 2 single parent 3,724 3 living with parents 570 4 single parent living with parents 18,185 5 couple with no children 40,557 6 couple with children 566 7 couple with parents 1,723 8 couple with parents and children 631 9 other types ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ahhsize Household size including Respondent ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) range: [1,15] units: 1 unique values: 15 missing .: 0/82,018 mean: 3.02684 std. dev: 1.38008 percentiles: 10% 25% 50% 75% 90% 1 2 3 4 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- abyear Birth Year Respondent ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (int) label: abyear_lb range: [1938,1983] unique values: 46 examples: 1949 1956 1963 1970 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- aeduc Highest Education Level of Respondent ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: aeduc_lb range: [0,6] unique values: 7 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 540 0 isced 0 - pre-primary education 5,078 1 isced 1 - primary level 13,840 2 isced 2 - lower secondary level 36,775 3 isced 3 - upper secondary level 5,859 4 isced 4 - post secondary non-tertiary 18,986 5 isced 5 - first stage of tertiary 694 6 isced 6 - second stage of tertiary 246 .a no response/not applicable ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- amarstat Marital status respondent ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: marstat range: [1,4] unique values: 4 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 14,364 1 never married 55,212 2 married 7,661 3 divorced 3,436 4 widowed 1,345 .d unknown ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- anumbiol Total number of biological children ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) range: [0,13] unique values: 14 mean: 1.62983 std. dev: 1.20994 percentiles: 10% 25% 50% 75% 90% 0 1 2 2 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- a148 Highest reached education level (country-spec. lis ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (int) label: a148 range: [0,1703] examples: 2 isced 2 - lower secondary level 3 isced 3 - upper secondary level 3 isced 3 - upper secondary level 5 isced 5 - first stage of tertiary ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- aweight Weight ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (double) range: [.12899999,8.685606] unique values: 17,250 mean: .986273 std. dev: .343123 percentiles: 10% 25% 50% 75% 90% .63421 .790156 .967178 1.12559 1.36437