Kashnitsky, I. and Aburto, J. M. (2019). Geofaceting: Alligning small-multiples for regions in a spatially meaningful way. Demographic Research, 41(17), 477-490, https://doi.org/10.4054/DemRes.2019.41.17 If you have questions regarding the dataviz, feel free to contact me: ilya.kashnitsky@gmail.com. For quiestions on the Mexican data, contact Jose Manuel: jmaburto@health.sdu.dk. Follow us on Twitter: @ikashnitsky, @jm_aburto. Chech out PAA poster for the paper: https://ikashnitsky.github.io/demres-geofacet/poster-paa-2019/geofacet-poster.pdf To replicate the figures, follow the instructions in "R/master-script.R" and, of course, feel free to explore in depth the chunks of code in "R" directory. REPLICATION. HOW TO 1. Unzip the contents of the replication package wherever you feel like. Alternatively, fork the GitHub repository: https://github.com/ikashnitsky/demres-geofacet. 2. Using RStudio open "demres-geofacet.Rproj" file in the main project directory. 3. Run the "R/master_script.R" file. Wait. That's it. The results are stored in the sub-directory "figures". ## LOGIC OF THE PROCESS The whole process is split into three parts, which is reflected in the structure of R scripts. First, the steps required for reproducibility are taken. Second, all data manipulation steps are performed (due to the R package conflicts this step is left out if you run the master script). Finally, the figures are built. The names of the scripts are quite indicative, and each script is reasonably commented.