The .zip archive contains the following files. The Stata codes were created using Stata 14 and may not be compatible with earlier versions of Stata. First, you have to download the data from: ISSP 2012 can be downloaded (with application) from: EASS 2006 can be downloaded (after registering) from: The following programs replicate the analysis: 1. The .do file that runs all other files (run only this, change the folder names) 2. Prepares the 2006 data 3. Prepares the 2012 data 4. Merges 2006 and 2012 data 5. Produces descriptive tables 1-3 6. Produces model tables 4-7 *********************************************************************** ********** data_descDR contains: *********************************************************************** 1. 2006_codebook_Final_Version EASS.pdf -- official codebook for EASS 2006 2. 2012_codebook_ZA5900_cdb_ISSP.pdf -- official codebook for ISSP 2012 3. "codebook for the pooled. xlsx" -- the pooled data is created after (2), (3), and (4) above are run in Stata 4. "datapooled_descriptives.xlsx" -- the descriptive statistics for the pooled data 5. DR_paper_simulated_data.dta -- simulated data to run analyses in (5) and (6) above 6. pooleddataset_variable_summary.txt -- variable names and labels in pooled data