The supplemental .zip archive for this publication contains the following files: 1. HILDA Stata .do file for paper replication 2. "Replication Files" Folder for results to be written to. Below are instructions for reproducing the following descriptive analysis: Bonner., S and Sarkar D. (2020). Who responds to fertility-boosting incentives? Evidence from pro-natal policies in Australia. ---------Accessing the Data------------ Accessing Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) survey data The HILDA General Release data can be ordered from the Australian Data Archive (ADA): Applicants must complete a once only Confidentiality Deed Poll and email the scanned, signed copy to National Centre for Longitudinal Data (NCLD) ( and ADA ( Our analysis uses the Household Income and Labour Dynamics Australia Survey (HILDA) data - wave 14 release and Stata15. ---------HILDA Variables Used------------ Variables used include: xwaveid = crosswave person identifier hhrpid = person id hhpxid = partner's cross wave id sex = sex lebth = Birth/adoption of new child anyoa = Year first came to Australia to live hgyob = Year of Birth tifeftp = Financial year gross total income ($) tchad = Total children ever had tcdied = Total children since died mrcurr = Marital status from person questionnaire esbrd = Current labour force status - broad ---------HILDA Variables Used------------ Code for merging datasets has not been provided as it is available oin the Program Libray on the HILDA website. Partners were matched in the dataset using the cross wave person identifier (xwaveid) and partner's cross wave id (hhpxid). Year variable was generated when merging each dataset wave. i.e. gen year==2001 for wave 1 etc. ---------Purpose of Analysis----------- This study analyses the impact of the Australian Government's Baby Bonus on fertility outcomes of immigrants and natives in Australia We utilize a difference in difference methodology in a quasi-experimental setting. We use propensity score matching to evaluate the appropriateness of our treatment and control groups. ---------Instructions--------- 1. Unzip the HILDA survey data to the folder “Replication files/Aus data” 2. Open Stata 3. Load in merged dataset 4. Set directory to "Replication Files" location 4. Open and run the file “HILDA Baby” (in the folder “Replication files”).