Factors incorporated into future survival estimation among Europeans 1. Introduction The supplemental .zip archive for this publication contains the following files: - Demographic Research dataset.csv (comma-delimited .csv file. It includes SHARE data) - Life tables.csv (comma-delimited .csv file.It includes HMD data) A more detailed discription of the data and the estimation process is presented below. 2. Data The dataset is from the wave 6 of the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) whereas life tables are downloaded from Human Mortality Database. Note that individuals younger that 50 years old should be excluded from the analysis. The variables included in the dataset are: - Mergeid - Country of residence (1:Austria;...; 18:Slovenia) - Subjective survival probability (as a percentage) - Objective survival probability (as a percentage) - Distance of SSPs from OSPs at 10% tolerance level (1:SSP=OSP;2: SSP>OSP, 3: SSPOSP, 3: SSPOSP, 3: SSP "" Then ' mortality rates depend on gender. If gender = 1 Then thisGender = "Males" Else thisGender = "Females" End If PredictionAge = Application.WorksheetFunction.Min(Age + PredictionInterval, 109) For thisAge = Age To PredictionAge Step 1 ' go througg all ages in the prediction interval to calculate the OSP Identifier = "" & country & thisGender & thisAge SurvivalProbability = _ 1 - Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(Identifier, Life.Range("LifeTables"), 2, False) CummSurvivalProbability = CummSurvivalProbability * SurvivalProbability Next ObjectiveSurvivalProbability = CummSurvivalProbability ' Output the calculated OSP. Else ObjectiveSurvivalProbability = "" ' In case of missing inputs. End If End Function *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* 4. Sofrware & Estimation process All statistical analyses run in SPSS 21. No additional code is required for this step. The dependent variable for the multinomial models is "Distance of SSPs from OSPs at ...% tolerance level" (see section 2 above). The explanatory variables are included in the models as provided in the 'Demographic Research dataset.csv' file.