Data and Codes for: "The gender gap in the US: Housework across racialized groups" Kamila Kolpashnikova (University of Oxford, Department of Sociology. Email: July 4, 2020 ****************************************************** ******** 1 Accessing Data **************************** ****************************************************** We use the data of the American Time Use Survey 2003-2018, available to download from the Bureau of Labor Statistics website ( Particularly, it is necessary to download two file: 1) ATUS 2003-2018 Activity summary file 2) ATUS-CPS 2003-2018 file Run the compiling files before using them in Stata. ****************************************************** ***2 About the Stata Codes (in the folder ※Do Files§)* ****************************************************** All codes are executed with Stata 15.1 MP edition (Some part of the code also use R, the version is 4.0.1. The folder ※Do Files§ contains the following Stata do-files: 1. This do file will run the entire code. To run it, however, you need to change the paths within it to correspond to the paths on your own machine. Additionally, change the paths to R on your system in the file "03.using R in" 2."01.ATUS" This file combines the two ATUS data files and creates some key variables. 3. "02.ATUS Kitagawa" This files adds some more variables, cleans the existing, runs the descriptive stats and outputs them into a file called desc20032018.rtf in your identified folder. It also runs the decomposition models and summarizes it outputs in the file "reg1.rtf" and in a csv file. 4. "03.using R in". This file creates the graphic by running the R code for the graphic. Resulting is heatmap.JPEG. 5. "heatmap.R". This is an R script which will be used by Stata. ****************************************************** ******** 3 Resulting Files *************************** ****************************************************** Three files will be created in the folder that you specify in 1. heatmap. JPEG - the graph in the paper 2. desc20032018.rtf - the descriptive statistics for the paper 3. reg1.rtf = the online supplement table