Read Me File for Replication Materials Paper: Age at First Sex and Adult Mental Health in Nicaragua Demographic Research, 2020 Authors: Jake J. Hays and Kammi K. Schmeer Please contact Jake Hays ( with any questions. Notes for users: 1. We provide replication materials in Stata. 2. Analyses were conducted in Stata 14.2 3. Data are avaialable in .sav file format (SPSS) here: 4. We provide the necessary data files in .dta file format (Stata) for ease of use with our analysis files. -----Notes on files in this folder----- Data Files (Stata format): --Note: the code for combining these data files is included in the do-files provided below ENDESA2011 Entrevista Individual de Mujeres en Edad Fertil -- this is the data file for women in our sample ENDESA2011 Entrevista Individual de Hombres en Edad Fertil -- this is the data file for men in our sample ENDESA2011 Entrevista Individual de Mujeres en Edad Fertil -- this is the data file containing informaton on household assets (i.e., our wealth variable) do files (Stata format): age1sexmh-master -- Start here! This do file outlines the order in which the other do files should be used and installs several stata packages that we use throughout our analysis. age1sexmh-cleaning-recode -- this do file merges the data and cleans the variables used in the analysis age1sexmh-cleaning-multiple-imputation -- this do file performs the multiple imputation on the data age1sexmh-models-descriptives -- this do file provides descriptive statistics of our analytic sample age1sexmh-models-main-analysis -- this do file provides the code for the main analysis of our paper age1sexmh-models-mediation -- this do file provides code for the mediation analysis of our paper age1sexmh-models-sensitivity-functional-forms -- this do file provides code for the sensitivity check that tests various functional forms of age at first sex age1sexmh-models-sensitivity-nosex-category -- this do file provides code for the sensitivity check that tests whether including "never had sex" as a category influences our results