R codes and files associated to the manuscript "EPILOCAL: A real-time tool for local epidemic monitoring". Submitted on: 2020.04.28 Accepted on: 2021.01.07 R files were created using version 4.0.2 Requirements in terms of R packages are described in the preamble of each R file; R codes are extensively commented. The .zip archive contains the files listed below: 1. R-codes for running EPILOCAL on province-data EPILOCAL provinces.R EPILOCAL provinces Psplines.R 2. R-codes for running EPILOCAL on region-data EPILOCAL regions.R EPILOCAL regions Psplines.R 3. R-code with a set of functions useful for running EPILOCAL funs.R 4. An empty map of Italy where to plot the EPILOCAL results MapItalyEmpty.Rdata 5. Two folder of shapefiles to plot the EPILOCAL results on a map sfPROV sfREG 6. Two excel files containing the province- and region-specific populations obtained by ISTAT provincesITA.xls ; regionsITA.xlsx 7. One folder containing COVID-19 data in JSON format obtained from the Department of Civil Protection on January 4, 2020 (the data can be updated from running the R codes) dataJSON COVID-19 data in Italy are provided by the Department of the Civil Protection under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License (CC-BY-4.0) and can be retrieved from the following website: https://github.com/pcm-dpc/COVID-19