'The distributional impact of Covid-19: Geographic variation in mortality in England' by Richard Breen and John Ermisch (https://www.demographic-research.org/volumes/vol44/17/default.htm) Software: Stata 15.1 Main data file: LAdata_march_july_DR.dta Boundaries data: Local_Authority_Districts__December_2016__Boundaries.dta Geographical 'shape' data: "Local_Authority_Districts__December_2016__Boundaries_shp.dta" is not included in the zip file because its file is very large and is available as a Stata shp.dta file from: https://geoportal.statistics.gov.uk/datasets/local-authority-districts-december-2016-full-clipped-boundaries-in-great-britain/data. Do file (program file) for Stata analysis: LAgeo_shape_big_march_july_DR.do All 3 Data files must be in same directory to run the do file. The boundaries and shape data files provide the key geographical information to undertake the spatial regressions. Data glossary ***********Covid and non-Covid age and sex standardised rates 1 March to 31 July and 2018 total mortality rate. Calculated as average of corresponding male and female rates (e.g.covstapril=0.5*(MAprilRcov)+0.5*(FAprilRcov)) Covid std. rate April: covstapril Covid std. rate May: covstmay non-Covid std. rate April: nonstapril non-Covid std. rate May: nonstmay Covid std. rate, 1 March to 31 May: covst3m non-Covid std. rate, 1 March to 31: Maynonst3m Total mortality rate 2018: rate18 Covid std. rate, 1 March to 31 July: covst5m Covid std. rate June-July: covstJJ *********Total mortality Male (M) or Female (F) M(F) total mortality rate,1 March to 31 May: M(F)tot3m M(F) total mortality rate March: M(F)MarchRtot M(F) total mortality rate April: M(F)AprilRtot M(F) total mortality rate May: M(F)MayRtot M(F) total mortality rate: M(F)juneR Deprivation scores: Average score: avescore Health score: hlthscore Income score: incscore Ranks among LA's also in data but not used in analysis. Population density: density Proportion nonwhite: nonwhite Confirmed cases per head by 31 May: csrate3105 Number of care homes 2019: numbcarehome Density of care homes: caredensity Other: area: LA area in sq km. pop18: population in 2018 density: population density in 2018 medage: median age of population in 2018 Confirmed cases per head by 29 April: csrate2904 Indicator of London borough: london