Replicability documents related to Damiens, J., Schnor, C. (2022) Three files are part of the .zip folder. 1. This do-file includes the program used to realise the analyses. The code was made thanks to Stata 16 (SE). The do-file includes the reconstruction of the dataset, some recoding, the descriptive analyses, the multivariate models, as well as all the robustness checks of the methodological appendix. Note: Due to the nature of the dataset, no dataset or even dataset sample can be shared publicly. The use of administrative data, such as Census, death certificates or National Register, is allowed by Statistics Belgium (Statbel) and framed by strict rules, such as the confidentiality of all information included in the datasets. 2. DamiensSchnor_code.txt This text document includes the same program, in a .txt format, to help readability. 3. DamiensSchnor_variables.pdf The first part of the document describes how to obtain the dataset. It includes the types of dataset and their exact source. It also acknowledges the use of the supercomputing facilities of the Université catholique de Louvain, and the role of Statbel in the anonymisation of the databases, which guarantees the protection of the respondents’ privacy. For more information, the contact address of Statbel is given, as well as the legal framework surrounding the use of the dataset. This second part of the text document is a codebook of all the variables used in the analysis and support the understanding of the do-file. They also describe their precise source (National Register, Census, Death certificates). The variables presented here are the result of recoding from the author, for this research purpose. To get more information about the raw dataset, we advise you to contact Statbel.