Replication of: Franz Neuberger, Tobias Rüttenauer and Martin Bujard (2022): Where Does Public Childcare Boost Female Labor Force Participation? Exploring Geographical Heterogeneity across Germany 2007-2017 ################### #What is in this folder? ################### The folder contains besides the readme file 4 files for the reproduction: - Replicable_Code.R is some R code which replicated the analysis, software version/packages needed are mentioned in the file - Replicable_data.Rdata is a Rdata file with a sample usable for replication, for details see data source below - vg2500_01-01.utm32s.shape is a folder containing some (free) shape files for replicating Figure A5 in the online appendix - Online appendix: Contains meta description on the original data used in the analysis (Tables A4-A10) ################### #Data sources: ################### - Data used is freely available and can be obtained under; Indicators and Maps on the Spatial Development, as provided by the German Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning. - Further details about the variables used which go beyond those mentioned in the paper can be found there. - The only exception is the variable female labour force participation (FLP) which was provided by German Federal Employment Agency at the authors' request for a fee "Statistik der Bundesagentur für Arbeit. Auftragsnummer 318967" (Statistics of the Federal Employment Agency. Order number 318967"). Hence, FLP data could not be provided in full. - Therefore, in this replication, only about 65% of the data (county/year n = 2638 of 4407) are providced, therefore results differ slightly (!) from those presented in the paper. - Detailed desciptives of the full data set used in the original analysis can be found in the analysis (Tables A4-A10) ################### #General comments: ################### - The online appendix of the paper contains detailed information/meta description on the distribution of each variable used in the original analysis, overall and in each subset and for each year (See Tables A4-A10). - The R code is ordered by headings, which refer to individual figures and tables, but not commented in detail and is for reproducibility only. The code does not follow the structure of the paper. - Some summary tables for the appendix (A4-A10) were created in STATA, code is available on request. - All variable names are in rather cryptic German, we apologise for this. If any questions occur, please write to us at